
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Experiment 3: THE BRIDGE - Week 1: Draw 1 Point Perspectives Of 'F'-Shaped Prisms - Develop 2 Extra Persps - Develop Pathway With 1 Persp In Ued3

I decided to re-create and draw the one point perspectives of the relationship between three "F-Shaped" prisms again, because I found that my first group of perspectives that I have shown and explained bellow did not interact with-in the 3 "F-shaped" prisms. I have still decided to include my original perspectives and the images of the pathways I had created from those drawings to reference and for my tutor to see what I had done.
Week 1: Independent Study.
In consultation with your tutor we were to take one set of our perspectives and develop them as pathways in Ued3.
This was from my first initial set of perspectives done shown bellow as well, and I then created it in Ued3, and captured 3 images of this pathway and i have included them bellow.
These are the three images I captured of my first initial pathways that I created in Ued3 of the perspective shown.
Week 1: Task For Today.
Drawings of persp No. 1. Drawings of persp No. 2. Drawings of persp No. 3.
Drawings of persp No. 4. Drawings of persp No. 5. Drawings of persp No. 6.
For each of my 6 original one perspectives bellow I draw an extra two more perspectives of each from a different point of view. These extra drawings I have included above they are grouped in two's one above the other.
Drawings 1 and 2. Drawings 3 and 4. Drawings 5 and 6.
My first initial set 0f six drawings of three 'F'-shaped prisms in 1 point perspectives.