
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week 4: Review Of Students Work.

Review 2 Students Work On Experiment 3 Using The Marking Schedules.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Week 3: 36 Textures.

36 Custom Textures Of The Understanding Of Movement.
A series of 6 textures (within a 6 x 6 square in our notebooks) for each of the 3 given definitions exploring movement that is being understood as 'Linear', Rotational', and 'Scaler'.
Then we need to add another 3 words that help me to understand movement and create another 6 textures for each of those words.

This is my last texture and I chose to use Movement in 'Numbers'.
These textures above are based on my words being; 'cluster' and 'ripple'.
These textures are in groups of 6 and they are based on the three definitions given to us of the understanding of movement:
The above being 'Linear',

'Rotational',on the left and 'Scaler' on the right.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Week 1: Independant Study - Task 3

Find 3 Seperate News Articles From Each Of The 3 Clients, And Create A Mash-Up That Consists Of All 3, Highlighting Each Extraxct In Different Colours.
Mash Up.

It is the American story, nothing is held back, not love, not pop expectations, not tastefulness, not religion, not the laws of physics. Values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed it should be lived in service to others. As performance art, devoted to the idea that they can do what they want, whereas fashion expects an image to be constantly updated, it sets out to amaze and repel at the same time. A well-known tale--your basic student, who takes over their family's dusty luggage company and turns it into a luxury conglomerate that in 2002 had revenues of about $1.9 billion, not been immune to the economic downturn and has some challenges ahead, including a heavy load of debt that it has been working to pay off. It still sets out to amaze and repel at the same time, showing no signs of mellowing, instead, is more determined than ever to follow their own whims. Going on to attend law school, and becoming American president of the Harvard Law Review. Upon graduation, they returned to Chicago to help lead a voter registration drive, teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and remain active in the community. As their careers approached its third decade, they represented the triumph of will-fullness, they are the strongest survivors. Their power, first manifested in every influential arm in the '90s, years of public service are based around the unwavering belief in the ability to unite people around a politics of purpose. In their public image they seem autonomous, answerable only to themselves, and if they are narcissistic, their narcissism is backed up by the fact that people have been watching them for all those years. Reaching across the aisle to pass groundbreaking lobbying reform, lock up the world's most dangerous weapons, and bringing transparency to the government by putting federal spending online, their voice sounded fuller and smoother than previously, they still made themselves an object of authority and desire. However what sets them apart is their disregard--in some cases, their open contempt--for the dictates of any guidleines. Where Most seek solidarity with fans, identifying with their romantic yearnings or sharing their frustrations, still made an object of authority and desire. They never follow anyone else's lead, just their own original energy, but one thing is that they are unafraid of is a good fight, and more often than not, they win.



Article title: "2 Miuccia Prada". Author: Luscombe Belinda. Source: Time Magazine. Published: Feb 16, 2004. Refrence to:,9171,993332,00.html Accessed: 11 May 2009

Barack H. Obama

Article : "President Barack H. Obama". Source: The White House. Reference To: Accessed: 11 May 2009


Article Title: Pop Review; "Sea of Self-Love But Who's Drowning?" Author: Pareles John. Source: New York Times. Published: Friday 27 July 2001 Referenced Reference To: drwoning.html. Accessed: 11 May 2009

Week 2: Task 2: Two Point Perspectives.

6 x H- Shaped 2 Point Perspectives,
With An Extra 2 Drawings Of Each Of The 6 Done From Different Angles .

The words for these drawings are Accentuated, Stalwart and Domineering.

2 Point perspectives of the letter 'H' these are my first perspectives from 3 different aspects.

Above Are Drawings 2 and the 2 extra from different angles.

Drawings 3 and the 2 extra of drawing 2 From different angles, and the bottom right drawing is Drawing number 4.

The words to go with them from left top corner to right bottom corner; Cogent, Dominant, Ancillary, Stalwart.

The two extra drawings of drawing number 4 are the two right hand side drawings, drawing number 5 and the other 2 extra drawing of number 5 are the two on the left side bellow .
The words to go with them from right top corner to left bottom corner; Accentuated, Domineering, Superiority, Oppressive.

Drawing 6 and one of the extra drawings of number 6 is underneath it on the top right hand side, the left over extra drawing is bellow in the left hand corner.

The words to go with them from top left corner to bottom right corner; Antecedent, Eminence, Influential, Reign.

Drawing number 6 is left bottom drawing and its two extra drawings are on the right hand side.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Experiment 3: "The Bridge" - Week 1 Task:

Week 1:
Draw A Series Of 6 One Point Perspectives Exploring The Relationship Between Three 'F- Shaped' Prisms In Space. The Develop Another Two More Perspectives For Each Of The Original 6 Perspectives, From A Different Point Of View.
To Each Of These Perspectives Describe What Connects Me With The Relationship Of The Prisms, And Also Alludes To A Relationship With Power.

I re-did my drawings of the one point perspective and choose to use these drawings to make another pathway on Ued3, because I wasnt happy with the last 3D imgae of my other new drawing (see further down).

These images are of my 3D model done on Ued3, and the drawing is seen above it is of my new F-shaped one point perspectives.

These are the two perspectives I re-drew up and I then
choose to develop these into 3D models on Ued3, and I have
included the 3D images bellow.

2 more images of my pathway.

Theese are three images taken of my 3D model I developed on Ued3.
Bellow I have developed a new set of six one point perspectives, that I think explore a better relationship between three 'F-Shaped' prisms, then I had drawn in my first sketches, that I have also inlcuded bellow.
Within each of the new drawings grouped bellow, I have included the new perspectives with the extra two supplementary perspectives with them.

Perspective Drawing No. 1. Perspective Drawing No. 2.
This drawing above has two sets of perspectives, with the two added supplementary perspectives that lie directly underneath each other.

Perspective Drawing No. 3.

Perspective Drawing No. 4.

Perspective Drawing No. 5.
Perspective Drawing No. 6.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Experiment 3: THE BRIDGE - Week 1: Draw 1 Point Perspectives Of 'F'-Shaped Prisms - Develop 2 Extra Persps - Develop Pathway With 1 Persp In Ued3

I decided to re-create and draw the one point perspectives of the relationship between three "F-Shaped" prisms again, because I found that my first group of perspectives that I have shown and explained bellow did not interact with-in the 3 "F-shaped" prisms. I have still decided to include my original perspectives and the images of the pathways I had created from those drawings to reference and for my tutor to see what I had done.
Week 1: Independent Study.
In consultation with your tutor we were to take one set of our perspectives and develop them as pathways in Ued3.
This was from my first initial set of perspectives done shown bellow as well, and I then created it in Ued3, and captured 3 images of this pathway and i have included them bellow.
These are the three images I captured of my first initial pathways that I created in Ued3 of the perspective shown.
Week 1: Task For Today.
Drawings of persp No. 1. Drawings of persp No. 2. Drawings of persp No. 3.
Drawings of persp No. 4. Drawings of persp No. 5. Drawings of persp No. 6.
For each of my 6 original one perspectives bellow I draw an extra two more perspectives of each from a different point of view. These extra drawings I have included above they are grouped in two's one above the other.
Drawings 1 and 2. Drawings 3 and 4. Drawings 5 and 6.
My first initial set 0f six drawings of three 'F'-shaped prisms in 1 point perspectives.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Experiement 2: Week 3 - 36 Custom Textures That Are From Dark To Light.

36 Custom Textures.
From Light To Dark.
Textures 1 to 6.
Textures 7 to 12.

Textures 13 to 18.

Textures 19 to 24.

Textures 25 to 30.

Textures 31 to 36.