
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Draft Files Of Exp 3

My Map Ref:

This is my final draft experiment:
These Are Some Of The Final Pictures.
The F-shaped pathways that I created first in this design on Ued3, are very over dimensioned, they are very big in comparison to all of my client's office and other areas that I have modeled into this overall space.
Using POWER as its main architectural issue and influence over the whole design, I kept the F-shaped perspectives this size because POWER to me is always over sized and has alot of leverage.
When I think of the type of POWER that both my clients have, I realise that they are some of the worlds most powerful people.
My client President Obama has the biggest influence of POWER over the whole world,
My other client Madonna has a world wide image also and is recognized as being one of the biggest Pop Icon, they are both set apart in the type of POWER they hold but it is at a world wide international level.
This in its self is huge, so most of the influence in my design is huge, although both of my clients office designs come down to proportion, there surroundings are monumental.
This is a view from behind, the office for Madonna is located on the left bottom it is illuminated in the colour purple.
This is a good view from the behind taken from the left bottom perspective you can see Madonna's round office shaped like a CD on the left bottom, the top right corner shows the office were Obama is located, you can still see the outlines of the F-shaped perspectives that were used to firstly create pathways.
The hanging meeting place is right in the centre area of the beam, we had to use.

A back perspective of my client Obama's office area on the right hand side.
This visual shows the back view of my client Madonna's office area, on the left hand side, it also shows the middle hanging meeting space that was created for both of them to use.

These visual perspectives show the back view of all the spaces created for this experiment, it takes the view from afar so you can get a whole perspective of all the design features and elements that make up this experiment.

This i s a view from under the right side looking up at the spaces.

These are views looking into the spaces from left side.

This is a view from the left hand side.

The two images above show the clients meeting room, in it's draft form, I have totally reconstructed this platform the fits in well with the elevators that I have created for both my clients, to access to and from their personal offices and to their meeting room that they share.

Views of meeting place and table.

This is looking on the meeting place, with the table as a silhouette.

This is the view towards the meeting place.

View up at Madonnas Office o n left and Obama's office on right, and the meeting place hanging in the middle.

These images are looking up at My client Madonna's Office.

These Are Some Of The Draft Pictures.

This is a far corner perspective view of Obama's Office and lift areas.

This is a perspective view from the back of the Obama's lift looking towards the office that is located on the beam.

This is the view to Obama's Office, his office is on top of the beam.

This is the view towards the office looking down the hall.

This is the texture in the Linear Group and I applied it to the roof areas seen in the perspective above.
This shows a close of the lift entry and a close up of the textures I applied to the design.
This is the texture it is for the Scaler Group and I applied it to the top of the columns located in the lift.
This view is right outside Obama's lift and it shows some of my textures applied to the design.

This is the view down the hall towards the lift standing right outside his office.
This is the draft copy of my spaces in Ued3:

Preliminary and final sketch-up models of Client President Obamas Elevator and Madonnas Office and Elevator.

Some More Images Of The F-Shaped Pathways I Altered Before I Started To Incorporate My Design.

I combined my 2 one point perspectives that I had used to start off my pathways for Experiment 3, you can see them in my images bellow.

These are the images showing the changes I made to the F's.

This Is The Desk Designs Made For The Meeting Room.

I created this desk in sketch-up and I incorporated the CD visual design I used for Madonnas lift in her office, I then took a column from the design in Obama's lift and incorporated them both together, to make a desk.

This is an elevation view of the desk I made for both my clients meeting room.

This is a view of the desk in proportion to the dimensions of the player.

This Is My Design For My Client Madonna.

These are the final drafts of my design for my client Madonna, I chose to design the office and elevator on sketch-up because of the restrictions I faced with designing it on Ued3, because I designed my client's office in the shape of a CD, and I couldn't model up circles in the same way that I could on sketch-up. The elevator is located in the middle section of the office, and I plan to implement and incorporate this design and the allow you to walk onto the middle section being the elevator it will automatically go and transport you to the meeting room in my Design on Ued3. I haven't activated the elevator in Ued3 yet but this is the outlook on my design that I hope I can get to work on Ued3

I also applied the textures in these designs that I did on sketch-up, I edited some of these textures using my own textures I applied colour and transparency to the them. I only did this as an indication of what it could look like although I know in Ued3 it is very hard to keep some of these textures that I created.

This is section into the office and elevator.

This is an elevation view of the whole office and elevator.

This is a plan view of the whole office and elevator.

This is the view into the office and the elevator is located in the middle, were the player dimension is located.

This is plan view of the elevator.

This is a perspective of the elevator singled out.

This is a view that is of the elevator singled out and it has the player dimensions in it, this elevator is in the middle of this office for my client Madonna's design.
Final Views Of My Client President Obama's Elevator.

This is my design for my client Obama's Office desk, it's made out of wood, I had trouble importing this into Ued3 so I had to modified.

This is a perspective view of the desk I designed in sketch-up.

Plan view of Obama's desk.
I had to change my lift design when I imported it into Ued3 cause some of the elements didn't show up.

This is a frontal view of the sketch-up elevator, the scaled box represents the scale to player ratio in Ued3.

I chose to stick with materials that were traditional being; granite for the columns, timber lining inside and windows facing out the back wall.

This is a view from the back end of the elevator.
Preliminary Sketch-Up Model Of My Client President Obama's Elevator.
This is some images of my preliminary sketch-up elevator for my client President Obama.
My Client President Obama is one of the most strong willed and most powerful people in the world at this time.
So I relaid this emphasis on power by being inspired by some of the most powerful building design features, that are dated back to Ancient times.
All strong buildings that house very powerful status are usually law or court buildings, Parliamentary buildings, and some of the Ancient buildings such as the Coliseum and the Pantheon, all of these are traditionally lined with columns.
These columns are normally built very large and over powering as they stand tall and high above you, get that feeling of strength.
This is what I was inspired to use to emphasise my client and his strong will of power.
These are back and front views of my preliminary sketch-up work.