Week 1:
Draw A Series Of 6 One Point Perspectives Exploring The Relationship Between Three 'F- Shaped' Prisms In Space. The Develop Another Two More Perspectives For Each Of The Original 6 Perspectives, From A Different Point Of View.
To Each Of These Perspectives Describe What Connects Me With The Relationship Of The Prisms, And Also Alludes To A Relationship With Power.
I re-did my drawings of the one point perspective and choose to use these drawings to make another pathway on Ued3, because I wasnt happy with the last 3D imgae of my other new drawing (see further down).
These images are of my 3D model done on Ued3, and the drawing is seen above it is of my new F-shaped one point perspectives.
These are the two perspectives I re-drew up and I then
choose to develop these into 3D models on Ued3, and I have
included the 3D images bellow.
2 more images of my pathway.
Theese are three images taken of my 3D model I developed on Ued3.
Bellow I have developed a new set of six one point perspectives, that I think explore a better relationship between three 'F-Shaped' prisms, then I had drawn in my first sketches, that I have also inlcuded bellow.
Within each of the new drawings grouped bellow, I have included the new perspectives with the extra two supplementary perspectives with them.
Perspective Drawing No. 1. Perspective Drawing No. 2.
This drawing above has two sets of perspectives, with the two added supplementary perspectives that lie directly underneath each other.
Perspective Drawing No. 3.
Perspective Drawing No. 4.
Perspective Drawing No. 5.